Another summer in England
Well, summer finally arrived. Not as hot as last year (by a mile), but at this stage we'll take what we can get.
Lucas has been very busy in the neighbourhood getting to know all his new friends. He was invited to Ella's 1st birthday party at the end of July.

Then we travelled into Oxford to say hello to Jo and her new arrival William. Lucas also got to play in the lovely park that over looks the Oxford town centre.

We also spent a Friday night out with Lucas. One of the Banbury mothers' group hosted a BBQ, so we all walked to her house and let our kids have a 'naughty' late night. Kicking back with a beer on a warm summer's evening, watching the kids frolic in the back yard... now that is what I call parenting! Lucas particularly enjoyed playing in the sandpit with his girlfriend Lucy.

Lucas' favourite show at the moment is 'In the Night Garden'. It's a rather bizarre and magical program on the BBC from the makers of Teletubbies. Not sure if it has made it down under, but as you can see, it's big hit with the toddlers.

Our apple tree has produced the goods. Nat has made some lovely home-made apple crumble in the past few weeks or so. We've had some friends over for dinner who've been lucky enough to have sampled a taste. I've been doing the usual amount of gardening. Lucas now joins in, he loves it.

We also had Lucy's parents over for dinner, which meant that Lucas and Lucy got to share bathtime.

Lucas has been very busy in the neighbourhood getting to know all his new friends. He was invited to Ella's 1st birthday party at the end of July.
Then we travelled into Oxford to say hello to Jo and her new arrival William. Lucas also got to play in the lovely park that over looks the Oxford town centre.
We also spent a Friday night out with Lucas. One of the Banbury mothers' group hosted a BBQ, so we all walked to her house and let our kids have a 'naughty' late night. Kicking back with a beer on a warm summer's evening, watching the kids frolic in the back yard... now that is what I call parenting! Lucas particularly enjoyed playing in the sandpit with his girlfriend Lucy.
Lucas' favourite show at the moment is 'In the Night Garden'. It's a rather bizarre and magical program on the BBC from the makers of Teletubbies. Not sure if it has made it down under, but as you can see, it's big hit with the toddlers.
Our apple tree has produced the goods. Nat has made some lovely home-made apple crumble in the past few weeks or so. We've had some friends over for dinner who've been lucky enough to have sampled a taste. I've been doing the usual amount of gardening. Lucas now joins in, he loves it.
We also had Lucy's parents over for dinner, which meant that Lucas and Lucy got to share bathtime.
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