Sunday, August 27, 2006

The family go to Oxford

Nat has never been to Oxford, so we decided to jump on the train (7 pounds return from Banbury) and travel into one of the most famous cities in the world.

Lucas looked fetching in his bright red jacket. We walked into town and had a look at the various bookstores. I was looking for a textbook for work on finite volume schemes for hyperperbolic differential equations. We looked at Border's, Waterstones, and England's oldest bookstor Blackwell's.. which has to be seen to be believed and is probably worth a trip to Oxford for alone.

After that, we headed to the Turf Taven for some refreshing ales and a very good pub meal. The Turf is a very 'out of the way' locals pub, tucked away in between two or three colleges.

Dan also met up with us to show us around. Dan is an aerodynamicist from work who has been living in Oxford for the past year or so. Oxford has a 'Bridge of Sighs' which they ripped off from the Venetians.

One of Oxford's colleges is home to the 'orginal' ivory towers (pictured on the right). Oxford is also home to a 'covered market', which is just like South Melbourne Market, but probably 500 years older.


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