Monday, January 07, 2008

Visit to Cambridge

Just before the new year, we spent a weekend to catch up with old friends from Melbourne, Amanda and Marco. They have just moved to England and will spend a year in Cambridge.

Cambrige turned on the sun for us, and the centre of town was as pretty as a picture. We stayed the night, and Lucas loved playing playing with his new friends. We think he's even developed a soft spot for little miss Olivia.. he tried to steal a kiss from her once or twice when her dad wasn't looking. Easy tiger... you've already got a girlfriend!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas in Banbury

First thing Lucas had to do was open his presents! He was lucky to get his first pair of overalls.. which he loved!

Then it was onto lunch. Michael drove up from London. Nat cooked up a storm..including Nigella inspired Ham, and Turkey. Wine was a present from Fernando Alonso, who gave all Renault staff a bottle from his own winery.

After lunch it was time to open more presents, including his first ever train set!